tango voluntary support in times of COVID-19

When COVID-19 struck, it forced us to drastically change both our lifestyles and our approach to work.

In these new circumstances, community support became a priority that tango, in line with our vision and culture, could not ignore.  In addition to this, with a downturn in workload, we wanted to ensure our team members maintained a sense of purpose...a goal.

We reacted as soon as the crisis started by offering free-of-charge call-centre services to several Croatian institutions on the front line of the coronavirus outbreak, reaching out to the Civil Protection Headquarters (“Stožer Civilne Zaštite”) at national and local levels, as well as the Ministry of Health, to name a few.

Although our offer of assistance was appreciated and well-received by those institutions, they were already handling this emergency situation with the help of other resources and declined such.

So, we decided our multilingual expertise could be used for educational purposes. We contacted Ministry of Science and Education, reform team “Škola za život”, who are in charge of the distance learning and teaching project in Croatia.

They had managed to migrate schooling to online platforms within just a few weeks.  We felt our voiceover and linguistic skills could help them with their digital content. 

Our offer was accepted with open arms and soon Tango’s Richard Riley and Fabrizio Cancedda were officially recognized as “Mentors” in their list of expert consultants for English, French, and Italian.

To date, we have supplied over 30 pieces of work, typically voiceover narrations and dialogues. We have been frequently called on to proofread and localize content, even to package final products into presentations or mpeg4 videos. On one occasion, we were even asked to compose some music, which resulted in our recording this song for kids:

Speakers and singers so far include Marta Korotaj, Fabrizio Cancedda, Tajana Riley, Filip Riley, Dorian Riley, Stewart Riley, and Richard Riley.

Here are just a few of the highlights:

Video lessons for other subjects are available on Škola za život’s main page for distance teaching and learning https://skolazazivot.hr/video-lekcije/

We are proud of our philosophy and vision, and very happy to provide help furthering the education of youngsters and the community as a whole.


tango komunikacije d.o.o.

Registered office:
Dalmatinska 12
10 000 Zagreb

 +385 (0)1 5494 301


EU VAT# HR73112507864


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