tango awarded certification for three ISO standards!

Cert tango bw big


During August 2018, experts from Cro Cert carried out both an off-site audit of our documentation and an extensive on-site audit of tango’s processes, lasting two days.

We’re happy to announce that we satisfied their strict criteria and have received certification for all three standards!

The project – implementing an Integrated Management System covering both Quality and Information Security in the provision of Customer Contact Centre and Voiceover services – began in Q3 2017 and was carried out with the constant support of our management and a dedicated team of internal auditors.

Achieving certification for all three standards in one fell swoop shows that tango’s investment of effort, resources, and dedication was indeed justified.

Furthermore, tango appears to be among the first Customer Contact Centres in Europe certified according to the new ISO 18295-1:2017.

That said, this is but a starting point for tango. We believe in ISO’s methodology, and aim to improve our performance on all fronts, year in year out.


tango komunikacije d.o.o.

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Dalmatinska 12
10 000 Zagreb

 +385 (0)1 5494 301


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